Thursday, May 31, 2012

No horses again

I loved the acrobatics of the squirrels. There were 9 of them that came every day. Sometimes all at the same time and sometimes one or two at a time.

The Mourning Doves come around too. They eat off the ground. Not from the feeders.

The Red Tailed Squirrel comes some days. It is not one of the nine. He is not particularly friendly with the young grey squirrels

I am watching you.

This guy was on the window sill right outside the window. They are not much afraid of anyone inside the window.

Eastern Blue Jays. Sure are bright blue aren't they.

Did not go out and work Sage today like I had planned. It has spit rain off and on and I got the laundry caught up and planted my nasturtium seeds and the Bleeding Heart roots that I bought. I sure hope they grow. I love them. I am sure the nasturtiums will. They are pretty hardy.

We are going to our Mustang Meeting in about half an hour. I sent the notice before we left so I hope they don't forget.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


It is so good to be home. I have been just rummy today. Nothing to do with horses today, just pictures of cardinals.
My sister has as large window in her office and feeders outside in what she calls her "sanctuary" and all kinds of birds and a bunch of grey squirrels and a couple of red squirrels all spend mornings there.

It is so fun. That was our entertainment for the week.

I love the beautiful red cardinals. Even the females are beautiful but not so red. I will have other pictures in days coming.

We had a great visit but a very difficult goodbye. How do you say goodbye to someone you know you will not see on this earth again. We love him so much and he has been a wonderful husband to my sister and father and grandfather. I sobbed all the way to the airport, I just could not help it. I was so sorry for my niece but I just could not help it.

So anyway, we are home. Misted you all as my great nephew said to me. Auntie Lea, I misted you. Bless your heart Liam, I will misted you too.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grandsons and other family

Two of my handsome grandsons. Isaac and Lane. They got back from visiting their other grandma late last night so I only got to have them around today. That was OK, their other grandmother is 96.

Bob got home safely about 6 this evening. He is tired and so am I. The house is so quiet. Chrissy and Wendy came out and got dinner and cleaned up. It was so nice. Strawberry Shortcake and ice cream to dessert. I could make myself sick.

I have Bob and I packed. Now just the carry on bag to be sure we have things like our meds etc in that bag. Lots of things to do tomorrow.

Blessings to you this beautiful Sunday,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Many Thanks

Are you going to come feed us? We are waiting.

Sage learning to stand until shes told to move.

Sunset last night. The best time to live out here.

Thank you all for your wonderful birthday greetings. Bob is out of town but Nikki is here. She and I went yard saleing and lunch at Chili's and shopping in the mall. She bought me a lovely outfit. We walked our feet off.

I think I have myself packed and Bob mostly. I want everything ready to close up Monday early so I can clean the frig ect.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A cooler day

I have a problem, kind of a silly one, but a problem none the less and it shows just what a technological idiot I can be. Maybe not an idiot, but challenged for sure. Yesterday I got my new phone. A Samsung Flight II and I think I said I ordered a cover for it. Now that is the problem. I did an order and the computer did something weird, so I did another order, It did the same weird thing so I used a different way to order it and ordered it a third time. Well, that is where the problem lies. I did not check e mails until later today and Guess what?????? I have three coming. I feel quite silly.

So on to other things. Poor little Raspberry is about as wide as she is tall. She is about to start waddling. I need to take a picture. She goes to Shannon's Sunday and will stay until baby is born.

I should have worked Sage today but didn't. Marilyn is coming tomorrow. Sage will get a work out. Maybe I will have some pictures. Bob is about at a point to send her to a trainer if she doesn't be good. I don't know what has gotten into her. She certainly has an attitude. She will get over it though. I did pet her and rub her all over out in the pasture today. She came up to me when I was filling the donkey's water. We moved them. (donks)

So other than mopping floors and making beds for Nikki's arrival on Friday and getting stuff together for leaving for TN next Tuesday, that was my day.

S is for Sister. I have one sister in TN where we are going next week. I love her so much and hate what their family is enduring. I have not seen her in over a year, maybe 2. I think 2 and that about breaks my heart.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

R is for...............

R if for RIDER.

At least I think I am.

I started out at 6 years old with a big old white mare.

They got me a horse because I had been asking for one for years, and while waiting decided to ride the milk cows.I saddled them up and rode them at a walk trot and gallop. One day my horse showed up and Daddy got his dairy cows back. That is a true tale.

Today I worked with Sage. When I took her out of the pasture she began just dragging me. I was so frustrated. Where did my sweet Sagee go. All the time in the round pen when I got her there, she could not have been better.

This morning Bob had an errand up on Greenbluff and I had him drop me off at Best buy which was right in the way. I went in and told them what I wanted and they fixed me right up. I was on schedule for an upgrade. I did not want a smart phone. just what I can talk or text on.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Saturday at a De spooking Clinic that Bob taught and I took Sage. She did good. Firecrackers going off and police car sirens and flashing lights. I was so proud. I did not ride her though.
We stopped at a stop sign and this tree was right there and I thought it was beautiful.

Today we were sitting in the back and these two doves came and just sat there looking at us.

My babies. Tom and Christyn.

Friday, Bob worked with Rocky in the round pen. He really responded well. Sure wish I had a harness and cart. Can't afford one though.

Sage standing where I told her to for quite a while.

Sage trotting between the ball and the round pen fence. She did pretty well with the ball. No so good at the clinic though.

I had a very nice day today. The kids came and brought the food and cooked it. And then they cleaned up. How much better could it get. Well just with the older two kids here too. It was a beautiful day too. Grand kids mowed the lawn. I love that bunch of kids.

I have recovered just fine and want to ride again but I promised Marilyn I would not until she worked Sage more and rode her, herself. So ground work it will be.

Congratulations to day to Christy and Jason on the birth of Caden. He is a beautiful baby boy. It was a long hard labor for Christy but he is worth it.

Also, Congratulations today to Kyle Jordan (Katie's brother). He graduated today from Whitworth University with a degree in accounting of some kind. Can't remember exactly but even if I can't he deserves many congrats.

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers who read this, I appreciate you so much.


Thursday, May 10, 2012


If you don't ready my Face book you don't know that yesterday my sweet, gentle, loving Sage bucked me off. I mean she BUCKED, like a rodeo horse. I made it for two jumps, maybe 3 second and went sailing off and landed on my upper back. Thank God I had my helmet on. I always ride with it. Now it has a big dent in it. My most hurting place was my upper chest where I hit the horn on my saddle. It is not turning color yet, but it may. The other place is between my shoulder blades and my right thumb. It is really puffed up.

Today I am much better but sore. Alieve is helping a lot. My thumb is turning color this evening. Bob put Icy Hot on my back and I am going to take a hot soaky bath pretty soon.Places are sore that I don't know why, like my nose. That makes me chuckle.

We took Rosie up to Deer Park to visit a male donkey for a couple of weeks. I want a small spotted mule. I will sell it but just want one. She was chasing him around the pen when we left. He is about the same size as she is.She chasing him made us laugh - Bob and Vikki were really laughing.

We found out Emma's name is Cocoa. She will still be Emma to us.

Please remember my grand nephew and his wife in your prayers. She went in the hospital to have their baby boy last night late and Caden has not arrived yet.

Marilyn is coming tomorrow afternoon to work with Sage and to ride her. She and Bob made me promise not to get on her today. Marilyn was here yesterday when Sage dumped me. It scared her I know and Bob was scared and I knew I was not hurt too bad. At first I thought I was dead, if you have ever been bucked off and flying through the air all kinds of things go rapidly through your head.

I don't know why she did it, that is what worries me. I think something bugged her like something under her saddle pad but it should not have happened what ever. Anyway, I am living and plan to do that for a while.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This and That

This what Sage and I worked on this morning. She would walk up to the tarp but had a hard time walking through it.
She peeked at me through it.

She went through and then stood and looked at it. I was very proud of her. We had to leave to do errands so I put her back in her pasture.

While we were out we went to Big R for several things and I got fly masks for Ditto, Pepper and her. Ditto let me put hers on but Sage did not appreciate it. I got it on her though and I know she will be grateful for it. Part of the reason I have trouble with the things about her head is she is so big. And when she is nervous she forgets she knows "head down".

Then we went to an elderly friend's house and Bob did some plumbing for her. She is like family.

It was so beautiful today. I planted my onion starts. Think I should have waited though because we are predicted for some cold nights. I would like my garden in before we leave but don't know if that will happen.

I was so concerned about Raspberry and being gone that long. Her baby(s) are due in about 3 or 4 weeks. She is as wide as she is tall. Shannon told me to bring her down and she can stay there. Probably until after she gives birth. Then she will come home. Without the baby(s). They are Shannon's.


Monday, May 7, 2012

Q is for..................

Beautiful Emma. For once I can say Bob has made headway with her. She will eat out of anyone who hands her something good. She loves carrots, green grass or horse cookies.
Red Hawks courting in the air above the house. We watched them quite a while.


She is not doing well. She is very thin, and does not eat much. I am going to have to make a decision one of these days and I can not think about it. She is my old friend.

Q is for QUICK to defend what I think is right. Sometimes it gets me into difficulty but I can't help it. If I believe something is right, I will stand up for it.

I rode Sage for about an hour. She was better than yesterday but she was not bad yesterday. I love that horse so much. I just wish I was more brave about some things. She would never deliberately hurt me. I know all the stuff Marilyn tells me, stuff I tell students when I am giving a lesson - heels down. relax my back, one rein stop and yet I can't seem to remember them all. I did better today. I almost was in tears yesterday, I get embarrassed that I get stiff and that makes it all worse. Part of it, I have never been afraid and I get nervous when she jumps. I guess its my age and I will do it. We are not going to get to go into the Bob Marshall but I want to ride her up a mountain, that's on top of my bucket list.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bloomsday Sunday

Our 3 beautiful grandchildren, their mom is Christyn. Jade is in green, Skylor is in the middle and Nikki is on the other side. I love Sky's hair. He wants it long enough to braid. Jade is 14, Sky 16 and Nikki 18. How the years go by. The girls rode the horse today but Sky preferred not to.
Today was Bloomsday Run (race). This was the first place wheelchair contestant. He was a long way in front.

More coming

The elite men runners. They were mostly from Ethiopia or Kenya. Long tall guys. I did not get a decent picture of the women elite runners. They mostly are the same ethenticity.

The good runners group

Up the little hill, getting close to the walkers.

It wasn't too hot this morning and that helped.

Watching for someone special.

I went just to watch a little and to take some pictures. Watched a bit and came home.

Marilyn came and helped me with Sage. I get so tense when she jumps and Marilyn helped me with that. No pictures though. Later the kids got Raven out. They were going to ride Pepper but he has a nasty cut on his face. Missed his eye but not by far.

P is for Positive. I think I am most of the time or I would not tackle some of the things I try.

Yesterday we went to a big farm auction but the people with money came too. I didn't buy anything.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pictures finally

The Spokane River is flooding. This is at the Seven Mile Bridge.
The other side of the bridge.

See the yellow ball of fluff. I think maybe the river flooded her nest so she only got one this year.

Downtown under the Monroe Street Bridge.

We were at a little park. The guy wanted us to leave them alone.

Aren't they so pretty.

That is the Maple Street Bridge looking down the river.

Me. Our hair was almost as wet as if we had been in the shower from the mist.Katie

Katie leaned over and took this of the boiling water. It made me dizzy.

Water over the damn.

My sweet Katie.

Don't know why I could not get pictures for 2 or 3 days but they loaded fine this evening.

The weather has been so nasty I have done nothing with my horse. I don't know what the prediction is for tomorrow. The sun is shining right now but I fed so don't want to go out and try to ride her now. It would be asking for trouble.

O is for open minded about some things, not so much others.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hello May

Yesterday Katie and went looking for places to take pictures but
the only picture Blogger will load is this one. Maybe you will get one a day. I don't know. I thought it was because I was so upset yesterday evening that I could not get it to work. Well I am fine tonight and it still won't.

My sister said we could come visit and we want to see them so bad. My BIL is not doing so well and it is important for us to see them. I was trying to make plane reservations last night. We will be going the 22nd. to the 29th. of this month.

So to my alphabet description of myself -
N is for Nice.
At least I think I am, I try hard.

Maybe more pictures tomorrow.
