Monday, July 5, 2010

Wenatchee Again

Three of our six great grandchildren.
Lilianna, Nathaniel and Arawyn.
These are Nikki's grandchildren. They were all three there at the same time for the first time. She took the picture. She bought the little girls tutu's and Nathaniel is wearing the outfit that his daddy wore when he was dedicated. Nathaniel and Lilianna are brother and sister. I love this picture.
I had a successful workout with Sage this morning. She had a minor snit a couple of times but ultimately she did what I asked. I was working with my carrot stick and flipping the lash around. She tolerated it on one side but the other, well not so much but she got over it. That is what we will work on tomorrow. I am trying also to teach her to stand in one place when I tell her to stand. I want her to do that. She got a little irritated with me putting her back and putting her back so we moved on to other things. For the first time when we were done and I took the rope off her and then I held out my hand and she took a step toward me and when I walked away she turned as if to follow but then she thought better of it and she walked away. Progress though.
I drove to Wenatchee and back to go get Arawyn and deliver her to her mother. That is about 350 miles. I am weary. I brought our grandson Lane home with me for a couple of weeks. He entertains himself quite well. He is almost 12.