On this TWELFTH day of Christmas I have TWELVE Christmas tree ornaments. One is quite old, one I bought in Key West, One we got for our 25th. anniversary (27 years ago)and the pink one was on our first tree. The large one on the bottom has a picture of Ditto in it. My first riding instructor made it for me. Lots of wonderful memories
I hope you have enjoyed my version of the 12 days of Christmas. Its fun from one sleeping dog to 12 ornaments. And lots in between.
In a little while we will be going to our Mustang Club Christmas party. Hope lots of people come. You never know. It will be fun no matter.
Yesterday I meant to mention that it was the first day of Hanukkah. Hope if that is what you celebrate that it is a joyous time. Another thing I want to mention is my grand nephew was approved for his wheel chair. The insurance company had denied it. He is now 6 and his last one was when he was 3. He has spastic cerebral palsy in all four limbs and is blind. His daddy called their local state representative and it was approved immediately. GRRRRRRRR. And she had posted it on her Face Book account and she has been getting calls on how they can help her. Their church is purchasing him a stander which is necessary so his hips stay where they are supposed to. That is another refusal from Blue Cross. I am so excited for them. That will make it so much easier for Tina. She has to carry him everywhere and he has to lay on the floor. He is a darling little boy and so smart.
Have a very blessed Sunday.