Saturday, October 17, 2009


I went to Ellensburg yesterday afternoon and spent the night in the motel. I had a WSH Board Meeting this AM till noon. It was a good productive meeting I think. Like a lot of organizations, not just horsey ones, we need to figure out how to do things that work differently than it has always been done. The drive over was totally inauspicious. Just putzed along.

The drive home was the same. For that I am greatfull. The only thing wrong with the day was Katie was supposed to do the chores and because I got home she left. I don't mind doing them but was very tired. Bob was irritated when he called and I was doing them.

After getting so tired driving yesterday and today I am maybe giving driving to Mississippi by myself next spring another thought. I don't know. Will have to price airlines and give it some more thought. I really wanted to drive though. Or, maybe I will invite a grandchild to go with me. I don't know. I have time to think about it.

Amelia did not want to come in this evening. I was just going to put her halter on when Bob called me on my cell phone. When the others came in first she said neener neener, can't catch me ......... but I did. She took a pop at me with her hind legs, missed me completely but got spanked for it.

Bob went hunting today for a while. He sat on a hill and watched deer in the valley then left. He is at a BackCountry Horse Meeting this evening. I would have liked to have gone but am just too tired. He went straight from our friends house who he went hunting with.

It is supposed to start raining tonight. We need it but am not looking foreward to the dark dismal days. Those are always hard for me.