Darling 32 year old Ditto. She is a real sweetie. Her manners are usually good and she is glad to get out in the mornings. She looks pretty good doesn't she? She gets Senior Feed, bran, beet pulp and good hay every day. She loves the attention. She has a blanket but has not asked for it yet. If she needs it she asks. I will know.
Sages sweet eye looking at me. I put her out this morning. She looked for treats again but not as vigorously as she did the other day. I turned her loose in the field and she followed me to the gate and hung her head over the gate and I rubbed and rubbed her face and kissed her and loved on her for about 10 minutes. Then I had to go because Bob was waiting to leave for me. He could not believe she stood there and had me love on her. He turns her loose and she runs off and usually rolls. She loves me what can I say.
Icicles off our roof. I thought they were interesting. . They were not dripping this morning. It didn't feel so cold but did not get above 30 I believe. We have a period of fog and it freezes on stuff. It came in this afternoon. It was pretty thick when we were in town but was here when we got home.Katie got a new job today making some decent money. It will be so helpful for them. I am proud of her for looking. She like decorating cakes but not enough hours and not enough pay. Now if Cam could get more hours they would be doing well.
We went to Big R today to get Senior Feed and some chew stop. Sammi - Marilyn's mare is determined to have her shelter in on top of her. She and Murphy have settled in pretty well other than that. Then we went to Home Depot to get 3 door knob sets. Three seem to have given out about the same time. Then to get groceries. It was out day to run errands and our big grocery day of the month.
Lorie, Thank you so much for the Beer Bread recipe. We had home made chili and beer bread for dinner. We get our butter in Deer Park and it is Amish made and very delish, That on warm bread was, well it was so good we both ate enough to get really full. Just 3 ingredient, could not believe how good it is. 3 cups self rising flour, 1/2 C sugar and a bottle of beer. Bake 45 minutes and butter the top and cook 15 more, repeat and its done. @325. I worried because I did not have self rising flour but bought some.
So that was my day for the most part. I still am quilting on my quilt. That takes more time than I thought. On light colored fabric its a strain on my eyes. I will finish it, yes I will.