No pictures today. Sorry.
Today was a Justin day but I knew I would not get home before Katie had to go to work. So Bob, bless his heart, took care of him until I got here. He will tell everyone that but in reality he was asleep when Katie brought Justin and still asleep when I got here and Bob went to the barn to work. LOL. Actually he woke up, I fed him and he was as happy as a lark until his mama got here early.
We woke up to freezizng rain this morning and the roads were treacherous. I was late getting to the quilting group because part of the way was driving on what you could have ice skated on. I got stuck getting out of our driveway. It turned to regular rain and that is what it is doing at the moment. It is supposed to turn to snow before morning though. Its January and I know that. February is almost here and that makes it closer to spring.