Saturday, October 29, 2011

A good ride

I can't seem to get pictures to load this evening and they were not of today anyway. Does that make sense? Probably not.

Sometimes life comes up and kicks you in the teeth and takes away your mind. That has been me all week. I can't talk about it now but please pray for out family. So with my mind in that state we got ready to go to our granddaughter Sheya's birthday party. She will be 10 on Halloween. Also this week, we have one other granddaughter and 2 daughters in law birthdays. I got the gifts wrapped and put things in a couple of shopping bags and off we went. WELL, I forgot my camera AND Sheya's gift. Got every one elses. Then, I forgot my purse when we came home. Some kind of a ditz huh? So I will drive to church tomorrow with Bob's keys and no purse. Then after church I will take the Bug her gift and get my purse. All in one day. Mercy me.

I did work Sage and ride her for a while today after we got home. She was a bit of a brat when I went to catch her. No problem catching her but she would not lead out of the pasture. I stopped and worked her some but that just made her mad. She was quite good in the round pen when I worked her. I saddled her up and rode her for about half an hour. Not her best but at least we did some things. I must do it again tomorrow. She has been off three days and she did not want to come in.

So that is my saga for today. Am wondering why I have had no comments for quite a while. Is there a problem with my blog. I know my sister and daughter can not for some reason it won't let them comment. Is that the problem with everyone? Or am I boring (I am LOL) or is everyone busy like me.
