Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ryans birthday party

Nothing with the horses today. Except, I got the application for title on Sage. Yahooooooo. I need someone to sign the application. Laura, I remember you said you had taken the class to inspect. Would you, could you do that for me?
This is Mount Spokane in the distance on our way to Ryan's birthday party. It was very pretty.
Ryan was 14 on Wednesday but we had his little party today. He is getting to be such a big boy. He got a really nice drum set for his birthday.

His cake. He loved it. I don't like chocolate cake but I ate a little piece.
I didn't tale a picture of Ryan's brother Seth but I must brag a bit. He is in 6th. grade. There are 60 kids that play drums. He was one of 12 that were chosen to go to Seattle and play in some kind of a contest. Great job Seth.
We will be leaving shortly for our Back Country Meeting in Couer d'Alene. Hope your day was great and you Sunday special. Please keep Bob in your prayers as he has a MRI scheduled tomorrow. Didn't know they make Sunday schedules but they do.