Wednesday, December 16, 2009


When I went to put the horses out this morning I heard geese honking. There were several hundred in the bunch. It was quite awesome. I wished I had my longer lens on but this is what I got. When I went into town later they were on a field in the wheat stubble. I didn't have my camera with me then.

It rained all night and off and on today. It went to 45 degrees. I loved it being warmer but I don't like the mud pit that we now have. Everything is squishy and ugly. BUT it is warmer. I am trying to stay on the bright side.
This is my special Friend Kim. We (Bob included) went to dinner at Chili's. I was so happy to see her. She is a flight attendant and had a layover here this afternoon and tonight. I tell her she is a daughter in love. Has been like a daughter for quite a few years. She lived just down the road for a long time but now lives in NW Montana with her husband and 2 stepsons. I have really missed her and was so glad to be able to spend the day with her.
So I had a good day. Hope you did too.