I have been on the sad side today for some reason. Our daughter moved and Bob and Tyler helped her. Bob went to the doctor and he found he has permanent damage to his right eye. Nerve damage from a blow to the head. He goes back in 3 months to see if the nerves are healing or not. We got 6 1/2 more tons of hay today. And, I cleaned my refrigerator. None of that mustang related.
Pepper is still grumbling about stall rest and butte but we are managing. Katie came and worked Abby some and is worrying about her mane laying down nicely. Wouldn't that be nice if that was all we had to worry about.
Katie and Bob both played with Rusty today and petted and rubbed her all over back to her hip. I did not try today. I just fed her is all. She is getting better every day and follows Bob to the gate when he leaves now. She is so cute. I always part her forelock so we can see her face but she would rather hide behind it.
I will try to have pictures tomorrow. It was warm today, maybe tomorrow will be the same. Our Mustang Club met this evening. We are changing the meeting day to the last Thursday of each month. Wish we could round up a few more people to come join us.