Thursday, February 10, 2011


I spent all day trying to get on the Internet. Tech support in India I imagine first gave me someone I could not understand. I wanted to ask him if his name was Beverly. ( the commercial ) but I didn't and the woman I talked to was better but after an hour and a half she told me my computer was broke. Oh well, now its working.

I did not go outside today at all. Bob did all the chores and I messed with the computer and waiting for return calls. Tomorrow I will. I promised Sage I would. It was beautiful and sunny today but I missed it. Dang nab it any way.

Amelia will get her teeth floated next week. She can hardly eat her hay. Just the leaves. Bob will make the appointment tomorrow. Old ladies need good dental work.

Maybe tomorrow I will have something interesting to report. Kind of a boring day.
