I won't add a 3rd. verse to my song today, just the old one we used to sing as kids. Everything is mud around here. It is awful. We cleaned and moved and got ready for winter but to no avail. The 2 loads of sand into Rusty's pen under her shelter is helping with where she can lay down in relative comfort. Hate this kind of grey, dismal days.
I did not go outside today after we got home from church and stopping to buy groceries on the way home. When we came out from our church there was a regular deluge falling. Bob got the car so I did not have to walk in it. Wasn't that nice of him. By the time we got to Airway Heights it was pea soup fog. We have a theory. When they were planning on an airport for the fair city of Spokane they thought, Where is it the foggiest and that is where they put the airport. When Bob came home last night and down our country road his max speed was 5 to 10 mph. He could not see a thing. I don't like fog but hate it at night when there are no marks on the road.
Bob came in from feeding this evening and said "YOUR MARE" did her tricks in the barn again. running in and around and out and in when he is trying to get her into her stall. LOL. She does not like him. I keep telling him that. He needs to talk nice to Dixie and she will cooperate with him. He is not the most patient person in our little part of the world (or anyplace either for that matter).
Daughter Nikki has her first surgery tomorrow. If she has any trouble I will be in my car and speeding over there. Carmen has promised to call.