Friday, December 26, 2008

December 26

Snow pictures from around here. I was practicing with my new camera. Bob is shoveling off the roof of the barn. Scares me that at 70 he is out there most of the day. He did the garage and horse shed on Wednesday. The horse is Dixie seeing if the outside horses forgot a piece of hay somewhere. They hadn't. I really should have ridden her today in a break in the snow. The other picture is our hitch rail. Maybe we will get to it by spring anyway.
I was so lazy today. Just could not seem to get moving at all. Feel OK, just had Sit-itis. I did finally get the Christmas Eve mess all cleaned up. The kids had sacked up all the wrapping paper etc but more kept appearing from under the couch, from under the recliner or any place ever it could appear from.
Nothing much else going on here. Have a good evening.................