Bob and I went to Spokane today and put flyer's out for Mustang Days plus entry forms. He is not well enough yet to drive so I get to do that.
This evening we had a Mustang Horse Club Meeting. I wish for one meeting everyone would get there at the same meeting. Am thankful for those that come though. We had a good meeting. Tyler did not go with us. He had to do laundry. HAHAHAH. He doesn't ask me - grandma- to do it though.
Worked both Nick and Nellie today. Better progress with her. They both need halters and ropes. she lost hers last night. He is still kind of ballistic. This is only day 3.
The Mustang Heritage Foundation postponed the deadline for the Yearling Challenge until the 10Th. That is really disappointing for me. I am anxious to know.