Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A nice visit

No pictures. I didn't pick up my camera, darn. Emily Graham was home this week from El Paso where she works as a Border Patrol agent. Her dad and mom were with her. So good to see Dick. He retired from the Border Patrol up on the Canadian border last weekend. Becki has been a good friend for a long time. It was so good to see them all. Emily is one of my favorite. Dick and I got a discussion about mustangs. The ones hes ridden belong to the government so he didn't get to bring any with him. I am so glad they have moved down here on the West Plains.

Bad news about my brother in law today. Nothing more can be done. Its up to Hospice now to keep him comfortable. I feel bereft because I can't be there for my sister..

Bob is home. He had fun with the Kalispel kids. One little girl had had a very bad experience on a horse and by the time she was done, she and Rosie had a wonderful relationship.

I wonder why no one is commenting on my posts? Missing you all.



  1. I wish you could be with your sister and brother in law. I can't imagine how hard this must be for all of you. *Hugs*

  2. Sorry Lea. You're right, its been a while for comments! Been busy reading my new book THE HELP. Good book.
    So sad to hear about your BIL and what your sister and he are going thru. I know the feeling... all us sisters went thru the Hospice times when my Mom was terminal and Hospice came to their home. The only thing 'good' about passing that way is that its at home and the Hospice people are very supportive to family. Beats a cold, sterile, noisy hospital any day...Hugs to you sweet Lea!

  3. Thanks friends. Hope you can be here this evening Andrea. Miss seeing you. Cindy, that is a wonderful bookk. Read it twice before I turned it back over to Nikki. A difficult week.

  4. Oh Lea, I'm sorry to hear about your BIL, and wish you could be there for your sis. But, she knows you love her. We have been sooooo busy, I can't even think straight. So sorry to be absent for so long. I just did my first post since May. Dear me, but where does the time go!? I wish I could just turn down the "time dial" and slow things down a little bit... my dad used to tell me that "you can shit in one hand and wish in the other, and just see which one fills up quicker". Dear old dad! Ha! Man, I sure do miss him!! I haven't even been able to read my usual blogs, much less post one, but I'm hoping I'll find some time and try to be a little better at keeping in touch. Hope all is well and that you're enjoying your summer. Blessings my friend...
