This is who we woke up to this morning. His name is Otis and he is healthy and as good as can be. We need to find another calf for his mom. She always raises two or three.
He looks small next to Patrick and Brady but he isn't really. We ran them off because they were tryng to play with him and he wasn't old enough to play yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Sage got let loose in the arena today. She was so happy to be loose but I put her in when we left to go for a ride.
My one daffodil perked up. Isn't it pretty>
On our trail ride close by at a state park that's about 15 minutes away. I guess its a state park or a water fowl preserve. These Johnny Jump Ups were all over the place and so pretty.
I never can remember what these are called but they always look so pretty every spring.
A pretty little inlet on the lake.
On our way back from up on a high against the hill.
The Birch trees looked so pretty over against the hill.
A pair of mallards on a pond. The males are such a beautiful color.
I was walking around taking pictures of the ducks and a mama Killdeer came bombing out in front of me and her baby running along. She did her best to get me to leave. When I walked around the rock looking for the baby, it was laying there playing dead but was breathing. Only about the size of my thumb. When we walked away mom came scurrying back, baby jumped up and they ran off into the weeds.
The Birch trees looked so pretty over against the hill.
A pair of mallards on a pond. The males are such a beautiful color.
I was walking around taking pictures of the ducks and a mama Killdeer came bombing out in front of me and her baby running along. She did her best to get me to leave. When I walked around the rock looking for the baby, it was laying there playing dead but was breathing. Only about the size of my thumb. When we walked away mom came scurrying back, baby jumped up and they ran off into the weeds.
It was very pretty this morning and Katie is off on Monday and she came out. We decided to go for a trail ride and that's what we did. It was so fun. Something set the horses off, not a clue what but Pepper put his head down and was going to do a rodeo buck. I got his head up and around but he was naughty for quite a few minutes before he settled down. Wrangler didn't buck with Bob but he was doing a tippy toe jig and Abby took off fast down the trail away from where we were. Finally got them all settled down and it was a relaxing ride the rest of the time. There was a lot of boggy ground and none of them liked that. I am a little nervous about crossing water on Pepper after last years catastrophe of him laying down. I do ride with spurs since then.
The rest of the week we will be getting ready to go camping this next weekend with our horses. We are going with three or four other couples and their kids. I sure do pray for nice weather.
What a nice day you had on your ride! Pretty pictures, too. Horse camping with a group sounds like great fun, so will put in a good word with the weatherman for you!