Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sad Face

We went to the horse sale today. Mostly I wanted to go for the tack because I wanted a set of reins and a crop. Got them and then we sat there for the horses. Bad idea. We both are feeling really crappy this evening. The high selling horse was the first one - a very black gelding that sold for 350.00 I think, and it went downhill from there. I think there were only 5 horses ridden in and half of them no saled. They sold a really cute young mule for 50.00. Bob wishes he had bought him. They ran in loose about 15 horses and they sold from 5.00 to 100.00 but mostly 15 to 50.00. Some of them were not nice looking but were all fuzzy and dirty. It was so pathetic. Most of them were thoroughbred 2 year olds. It started at 2 and was over at 3. Came home and took a nap so I would not think about it. The auctions used to be fun to go to for a Saturday afternoon but nothing fun about this one.

-10 last night officially - -15 at our house. It is supposed to snow again tomorrow. I would love to get the sleigh out but its just too too cold. Both for me and Rosie.

So that's my day



  1. I hope the horses are purchased to be loved and taken care of??

  2. I heard there was an auction coming up--very sad. It is cold here, but the temps are supposed to rise. It says 24 here today. Wow--feels warm.
