Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hurray I leave tomorrow AM

Have been fluttering around all day getting organized and the house organized for me to be gone four days. Did the chores this AM and again this evening. Bob was in Yakima delivering some stuff for the census bureau and giveing some instruction to that office. So when he got home I cleaned the car out and loaded it. All I have to put in is me and the bag with my cosmetics ect in and I am out of here.

I don't have a lap top so you all will have to wait until I get back to hear anything. We will be an Econolodge in Albany.

Would someone explain to me what Twitter is? Andrea of Mustang Saga is going to use it to keep her blog up to date and I have been hearing about it but I don't have a clue.

Gave my ponies all a kiss goodby and got hair in my mouth. Oh well, I really love them and Bob will take as good care of them as I would have. He won't kiss them though - hug maybe but not kiss.

Have a great rest of the week.


  1. Lea, you're a step ahead of me. I'm not quite packed yet. Good idea to load the car the day before. I never think of that.

    Twitter is kind of like blogging, but it's just quick bursts of info on what you're doing right at the moment. Like, I might say, "Blogging now, should be packing." and then in an hour I might say something else. Usually only a sentence or two long. Seems to me to be too much info, who cares what I'm doing all throughout the day? But for posting results at the show, up to the minute, it's a handy thing.

    Hope we can meet up tomorrow! If I don't see you I'll call your cell and see if we can find each other.

  2. Drive safe! Wish I could leave tomorrow morning instead of really early Friday morning :/ For everyone who is getting there Thursday, take lots of pictures and I'll see ya Friday :D

  3. I know vaugly what twitter is.. Sounds dumb to me but I think My Space and Facebook are dumb:) so I'm just out of touch

  4. Have fun and we'll look forward to your updates!! What a great adventure!!

  5. Cricket gives you tons of kisses cause she misses you bunches!! And i give you tons to! :D
