Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sunshine and Rain

Our mustangs having their supper. I should have rode Pepper today but just had things going on that I couldn't. Pepper is not there, he is in the barn at night so we can monitor what he eats. They were quite contented.
Patrick and his Mama are doing fine. He is a lively little bugger. We need to catch him tomorrow and give him his baby shots. It could be a trick. Don't know how his Mom will take to it.
It was so pretty today. I went to Walmart and bought a new microwave this afternoon. Ours went wacky this morning and then quit. So, we have a new one. When I think of what we paid for our first one and what this one cost it is amazing. Like a lot of electronic stuff, the price has come down lots.
A rain storm is coming, Oh well, I went outside without a coat today. Wonderful wonderful.


  1. Today was wonderful. I guess we can't take the weatherman too seriously, can we? I was sitting around this morning feeling sorry I coudn't ride--then finally I looked out the window and said--why can't I ride?!? It's not rain/snowing like they said. And you know, even if it is raining--it smells and feels like spring out there.

    Love the picture of the horses eating. That's a nice system you have there.

  2. I'm just getting caught up on my blog reading. So sorry to hear about Oliver.

    Patrick is a cutie.

    I want to get a setup like you guys have for feeding the horses. Maybe somewhere out of the wind. One of these days...
