Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Hot Day and Mustang Club Meeting.

It was hot enough today I did not feel like spending a whole lot of time outside with Sage. I did one turn at the stool and a time outside eating a little grass. Katie and Cam came and she let them both walk up to her and pet her. I warn people to pet not pat. She does not like to be patted. She jumps away. She was calm and quiet for them. She moved away from Cameron some. She is much more fond of female persons.

Our meeting tonight was okay. Not a large attendance but it was alright. I gave a financial report from Mustang Days. We did good. Our next meeting will be a BBQ at our house. Everyone is welcome. It will be Sage's coming out party. We will provide meat for burgers, buns and stuff to put on them. Everyone else who comes can provide salads, desserts, chips ect. If you are coming and need directions, let me know. We also planned a ride on August 14 at Marie Creek just east of Couer d'Alene. If you are coming, let me know and I will give you directions. It is an open ride for anyone who wants to come.

Steve got the inside of our front porch nearly completed. All but the floor and we have not decided what we are putting down yet.



  1. We're sure having some hot weather here. It does make you want to stay inside! Keep cool!

  2. Is it just patting that she objects to? Like can someone stroke her instead of patting? Or is it just human touch other than you?

  3. No anyone can stroke her, its the patting she does not like. When I say anyone, I mean you have to have made friends with her.
