Saturday, May 19, 2012

Many Thanks

Are you going to come feed us? We are waiting.

Sage learning to stand until shes told to move.

Sunset last night. The best time to live out here.

Thank you all for your wonderful birthday greetings. Bob is out of town but Nikki is here. She and I went yard saleing and lunch at Chili's and shopping in the mall. She bought me a lovely outfit. We walked our feet off.

I think I have myself packed and Bob mostly. I want everything ready to close up Monday early so I can clean the frig ect.



  1. I didn't know it was your birthday. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a good one, and more good fun to come!

  2. Happy belated birthday Lea! Since I've been gone myself I don't know where you're headed, but wherever it is have a safe, fun and joy-filled trip. blessings, marlene
