A pretty dismal day out. It started out sunny but got more grey by the hour. I layed around and read.
I went out to much stalls and do the chores. Ditto and Amelia went in right away and began chumping on their grain. But then there is the "wonder horse" Pepper. He decided to play tag with me. He found a bucket of apples and took a couple of bites. I popped him on the rear and told him to get in there and he whirled around and ran around the barn. I put the bucket away so he wouldn't have an excuse to stop but about 5 trips around the barn giving me "that" look. I was losing my patience. I mean LOSING my patience. Finally he just ambled around in the barn and into his stall. I wanted to pick up a club and hit him between the ears but of course I didn't, He just looked at me with those big eyes and I just sighed and told him he better not do that again.
How about posting every day between now and Thanksgiving something you are truely thankful for. Today I am thankful for being born in America.