All that and snow off and on all day long. I heard on the news that we got 1/4 inch which does not sound like much but a record for this day in all time. Frankly, I want winter to leave and let us have some nice weather. They are saying tomorrow and Sunday should be OK. That will be good. All the little girls in their fancy dresses and white shoes should do OK.
Sage got the day off. Snow does something to my willingness to go out and play. Bob did work with Emma. She either has to give in or go home and he will put her down so we just are not giving up on her. Winter did not help and Bob's back put a crimp in her training. Now he is back at it.
Yesterday I mentioned that this is the beginning of four years of blogging. I am a bit puzzled however. 24,038 people have looked at it, that is 31 since this morning, it was that count at 4 this afternoon but only 2 people commented. I LOVE having comments. Thank you two who are faithful commenter's.There are a few others who are faithful too and it is such an encouragement.
Bob is off to a Back Country Horsemen meeting in Deer Park, not the group he is president of, but I just did not feel like going out this evening. We have a funeral to go to in the morning and I will have to get up earlier than usual to get ready and be in to the church in time. We have known her for a long time and it makes me sad.