I did ride today but it was the least successful. I am not sure why. She was spooky and tense. We rode for a while but I did not want her to buck and I was not too sure that is not what she had in mind. I rode about 10 minutes and got off. I took the tack off and petted her and rubbed her down. We went out to the trailer before Bob put the hay in and I expected her to act scared of it. But, she surprised me and hopped right in and stood there. She looked at me like, OK what now. We got out and I put her away. At least something successful for the day. I can not expect her never to have a day not really to good at riding. Well, I can hope but dont think it will happen. She was so tense, I was afraid she was going to make me tense and I didn't want that to happen. So it ended good anyway.