Our son Tom and his three children came = Ryan, Seth, and Sheya. Our daughter Christyn came with her partner Wendy and her three children Nikki, Skyelor and Jadeyn. Our son Steve came too. Daughters in law Debbie and Christy had to work. They both work for AT&T in Customer Service. Debbie works from 4 AM to noon and Christy works from midnight to 10. Both are ghastly hours but for now they are thankful for their jobs. Steve has not worked since April or May and then broke his leg in a serious break on Fathers Day and just now can look again and Tom is the only one working on his shift. Just him and the boss. So both girls put up with it. Christy has a degree in accounting and she graduated with a 3.9 gpa and could not find a job in her field.
Our first snow today. Not much, just a skiff but enough to know we had snow. It was kind of fun to look out the dining room window with the snowflakes gently falling. Tyler went into his brothers this evening. Told him to drive careful and he said he always does. He is better than some and he drove all last winter. I just worry about him.