Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I am getting closer. I got one of my camera cards of pictures on the computer. However, I can't get them into the correct folders or anywhere else except where they are. I am going to get a card reader tomorrow when I go into town. Sharon told me to get one and our friend Bernie did too so that is on my agenda tomorrow.

This evening we went to a potluck party to say goodby to Bernie and Sherri Lionberger. They are moving from Couer d'Alene to Helena, Montana. I absolutely hate saying goodby to friends. I know this is their dream but I wanted them to stay in the vicinity. They have been good friends and good riding partners too. They have encouraged me to go places I would not have gone and let me know they were glad I tried. It seems so many of our friends have left the country or died. I guess that happens when you hit the 70's. Can't say I like it much though. Life will continue though.

When we pulled into the driveway this evening about 9 , we got greeted by Yuma's song. It is quite funny. It like he is saying welcome home folks, I am still here.I am not sure he has forgiven me for body clipping him and taking him to a horse show. LOL. He did good tool.

Remember: The language of friendship is not words, but meanings. Henry David Thoreau

Have a great Thursday.