Bob should be home soon from his 5th. out of town trip this week. Three to Yakima, Moses Lake and Chelan. He said he would be traveling all next week too. I hope the weather is as good as it is predicted so I can get outside and do somethings. Need to really clean up the yard both front and back.
When I put the horses in I looked at Pepper and Dixie. They are going to take some vigerous grooming before we ride tomorrow. They are really big mud balls. The weather better be as good as they are predicting. My saddle got a good makeover this winter at Indiana Harness. Pat did a good job on it. Love my saddle, it fits me really well. And all but Dixie it fits well and I can make it fit her high withers with a good saddle pad. I wish I had bought the one I looked at in Albany. I did not want to spend that much at that moment. I have thought about it alot since and wish I had.
Have not seen baby Henry today. See his mom over in the far pasture so know he is well there. Bob said he was up with her at the water this morning and he was bucking and running. I am sure they were just resting over there.
Maybe tomorrow I will have more to say about the horses. Miss them. I petted Ravens poor lopsided upper lip today when I fed. It worries me. She eats OK but it looks really weird. Liberty is going down the road to Shannons one of these days for a while to have a mule baby and Shannon is going to get her riding. I thought she was going last weekend but she is still here. When I think about how she was when we had to run her into a small pen to finally get a halter on her and then "led" her with a bucket of grain to get her to our place and how she was so scared of being touched and now she is sweet and loving and wants to be handled. Just needs to get finished and get so you can ride her. She is a nice big mare. She will have a nice mule baby for Shannon.
Have a great Saturday.