Had lunch with a friend today at the Casino. The lunch prices have gone up 2.00 so I imagine the dinner prices have too. The food is good but for lunch I would rather have a bowl of soup and some bread. We had a good visit and decided who was going to get the Sportsmanship Award for the NEZ. That is our designated job. No one nominated anyone so we decided ourselves.
Had discussions of a lot of things but one of them really troubled me. I said I needed to go have my Christmas letter copied and she said she does not send cards, does not put up a tree, does not decorate nor does she buy any presents. She sends her grandchildren money. She said she hates Christmas. (not religious grounds). Just hates it. It brought tears to my eyes. My sister does not like Christmas at all. They much prefer to just go away by themselves with no family or friends around. I don't get it. It is a Holy time of the year. I want family and friends. I get tired of doing all the cooking but the alternative is to not have them and that would absolutely break my heart. She says it is depressing. I think its sad..... Sorry Sharon, I know you read this. Just can't wait, the closer it gets.
I had two calls from Tracey. One she got down there last night and was very tired and one this evening just before they went to dinner to tell me she knew which horse she was going to get. He is a large 15h2 solid bay gelding and she thinks he is beautiful. Last year when she got Sandy she called me and told me he was the ugliest horse in the pen. Made me laugh. She is happy with her Challenge horse this time and was going to dinner with some other people who were there - trainers, Ramona Bishop from the BLM and other contestants I think.
Nothing much going on around here. Its cold. The horses all look like woolly mammoths out there. All but Ditto. She never fuzzes up much. And she is old and I put a blanket on her when it gets below 25.
The NFR starts tonight on one of the ESPN channels. Always with I could go. I would want to go every night though so would have to win the lottery just to attend and to stay in a hotel. Oh well, to win you have to buy a ticket. LOL