My sister is in the hospital in Tennessee. She has a bacterial infection in her lung. This has been a reoccurring thing since she has lung surgery 3 years ago that almost killed her. She has not been the same since. She went home from here sick and its gotten progressively worse.
Please remember her in your prayers.
NOW for my surprising news. Did you know Washington has a herd of wild horses. Not Indian Reservation horses. Although nothing usually wrong with them. These horses are not controlled by the BLM buy by the Weyrhauser Company. They are on the Mt. St. Helens property. A guy we talked to at the fair told us about them but I was really skeptical but I did look them up. I found them under Mt. St. Helens Wildlife. The guy said there were about 70 but the web site said about 40. The guy at the fair was selling pictures and he has been photographing them for several year.
Back to 1000 Blessings.
I went back through them and found I had screwed up the numbers so I hope I have them straight this time.
386. A Day at the fair with Bob
387. Flannel
388. Watches with faces large enough to see without a magnifying glass
389. Smoke detectors
390. Glacier Park
391. Yellowstone Park
392. Old Faithful
393. Chainsaw sculpture
394. Grand Canyon
395. "Brighty of the Grand Canyon" a book
396. Philippians 1:6
397. Jesus Loves Me This I Know
398. Smokey Mountains
399. Bob's good report
400. Fresh Ideas
Blessings to you all