The word for tomorrow is CURVES.
This ice is about to get us down. Nikki fell yesterday against her car and probably has a purple hip and Bob fell flat on his back twice today. He is not moving around so well this afternoon. The first time I did not think too much of it but the second time he really hurt his back. He took some ibuprofen so he should feel a little better. Now its supposed to rain all this next week and with the ground frozen the water will have no place to go. We will need a boat to get around.
I worry about the horses trying to walk around on this ice. They all need ice skates. Now with more water I am not sure what we will do. Maybe put them back next door. I don't know. It is supposed to be warmer but not warm enough to thaw the ground.
I found out last Thursday that Bob can not go to Burns in February. I was so upset but decided I would go along, then had this wonderful idea and it seems to be working out. Nikki is going to go with me. I will go to Marysville on Wednesday and we will go to Burns on Thursday. She will help drive. We will have fun I know. She loves horses and dreams of a day when she can have a mustang of her own. Now isn't the time but she will have fun with me. We will go to her place on Sunday and I will come home on Monday. We have wanted to do a trip together and this will do it for now. Probably will eliminate going to Albany is March is I am going to Mississippi in May.
Things work out like they are supposed to.
Have a Sunny Sunday.