The horses looked disgusted too. They are all shedding and look awful. Even the ones who have been groomed regularly. You could stuff a mattress with what comes off of them. I want to give Ditto a good grooming tomorrow. She looks pathetic. They are anxious to get out and eat grass. It isn't quite long enough to turn them out yet. The grass. In another week it will be.
My thankful Tuesday is centered on our youngest daughter Christyn. She, as well as Tom are our adopted children but I have to remind myself of that. Christyn is the one who has given me the worst grey hair. LOL but I still love her with all my heart. She has three precious children. Nikki is 15, Skyelor is 13 and Jadeyn is ll. She is divorced from their father. Can't say we were sorry about that but he still is their dad. Christyn (she has always been Chrissy but has decided she is Christyn) is extremely talented. She sings very well, love to hear her, she is artistic, and loving. She is American Indian = Colville Tribe. She knows her biological family but tells everyone she is glad to be adopted and not having to grow up like her "other" family. In fact she told everyone that Sunday while we were eating dinner. She has a Signifigant Other - Wendy which makes us hurt but we love Wendy too and she is very good to us. No matter what, she is our daughter and we love her alot. I am thankful she came into our lives when she was 7 months old and we are thankful to have her for a daughter.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.