Today I mowed the lawn. We have a lot of lawn. I do have a riding mower however. Bob did around the edges and under the trees that would have beheaded me. Bob has been doing it with the walking behind mower all summer but when Tom was out the last time he fixed my riding mower. I don't mind doing it but can not walk behind that mower over our big space. We are going to take the cherry tree out this fall later. It did not produce five cherries this year and when it does the birds get them all. The maple tree in the front yard, our Memorial tree, needs trimming up too. Am not sure when to do it. The apple tree will need trimming too. It full of apples though.
Abby was really naughty this evening. She was not going to come off the pasture hook or crook. It took both of us and Bob on the four wheeler to get her thru the gate. If any one of the horses is going to be bad it is her.Wrangler is doing well now. He and Pepper had a bad time for the first few hours but its OK now. Those mares have been his. The only one that pays attention to Wrangler is Liberty. They are best friends. Its funny to watch the dynamics with the whole herd.
Remember: Wisdom comes more from living than from studying. Anonymous