The house is full of boys and one little blue eyed girl. She is a tomboy though so no fear. They are down playing in the barn. Lane is beside himself to have his cousins here.
The sky before it opened up.
I am doing a Photo Challenge on Facebook and today was something I would like to change. This is my picture - the weather. Hate this for the kids spring break. Its awful.
Today I made 55 breakfast burritos. Have 35 more to do. We need 90 on Saturday morning at our Back Country Horsemen Tune Up Clinic. We sell them for $1.00 for a burrito and a cup of orange juice. I have never made them before but the person who does told me how. They are going in the freezer for now. Quite an undertaking.
A storm of lightening and thunder is coming by so off goes the computer. Blessings to you all.