I have a very sweet young friend named Lisa. Her husband is our Worship leader at church. When she and I got together it was like we found a part of us that was missing. I love her so much. I posted this on Facebook but if you don't read that there, this is what she made me for Christmas. It says Hope, Faith and Ride on it. I love it so much and will wear it often. Thank you Lisa so very much.
I have to write to the Mustang Club tonight with a proposition we have from the BLM office in Burns. They want to have an adoption in Spokane on June 7 and I have been given the job of finding a facility and maybe planning some events for our club. I will need HELP. Ramona is going to call me later this week and we will get the details organized.
I wonder if it is ever going to get above 25 degrees. I just am wimpy about going out and riding when it is this cold. It seems like its been cold forever at this point. We had some freezing rain yesterday on top of snow. Didn't appreciate that at all.