My pretty girl grazing on the lawn. She did really well until she eyed the lawn chairs. That made her jump away and jerked the rope out of my hand. She went back to her pen in about 3 jumps. I went after her and led her right back up there. She snorted at the chairs but did not jump like that. She tried once but I gave her a good tug and she stopped and came right back up to me. She ate a little more and then I started back to her pen. I would not let her rush. Just a few steps at a time. She is getting better. We need to get past the spooky lukey stage. She wants to trust me really bad but sometimes she just can't do it.
This is about a pint of raspberries. They are so good. I wish I had some ice cream to put them on. I will finish picking them tomorrow.
AND this is the newest member of the family. She is mostly Jack Russell. Bob rarely asks for anything for himself. He fell in love and really wants her. She will be with her mother for about two more weeks. Bob is not so original when he names something so it will probably be something like Spot or Lady. LOL. I think we do not need another little dog but I have Skeeter and he wants a little friend too. He promised me that when we lose Maggie he won't get another big dog. She is a great dog but he wants one he can take with him places in the car.
That was my day.