I went and got some groceries and just got out of the house for a little while. That felt good. Bob will take my car tomorrow so house bound again but this time its fine. I need to get stuff together for the weekend and for the meeting on Saturday. He will do what he has to after work and gas up the car so we can leave first thing Sat. AM.
Raven just stands for her shot in the neck. She does not even lift her head from eating. There does not seem to be any improvement in her muzzle but she is eating well. When we aren't examining her face every day and not seeing her for a couple of days maybe we will see an improvement when we get back.
I am so worried about all this ice. Pepper went to his knees this morning after I put him out. It scared me silly. He did not like it but stood up and went on about his business. Dixie did that yesterday. I don't see it going away any time soon. I don't think we should use a chemical deicer on it where the horses are. There is really no place else to put them. Will have to think about that.
See ya tomorrow.