Bob got home today. All those days and they saw one elk a mile away. A guy who lives up there told Bob they had not seen elk in there since last March and there were cougars. They came home. No use hunting when there are none there. They were on the other side of the mountain I guess.
Bob did the chores this evening and Rusty came right up to him and put her nose on him. I told her "Traitor". I had made progress. But with the weather that is predicted, I am glad he is here to do it.
Got a lot done today surprisingly. Had a hard time motivating myself to do much today. Will do the floors tomorrow. Maybe. Bob has a doctor appointment at 8 in the AM with the L & I doctors about his leg and eye. Both seem OK and he is not looking for a settlement but he has nothing to say about it at this point. Tyler has a job with the neighbor again tomorrow. He makes pretty good when he works.