The top picture is Andrea and her wonderful mustang Tonka. He is such a nice horse and does whatever she asks him. The next picture is Andreas friend Melissa who rode Andrea's horse Soxy. Soxy had some trouble with the hills but gave Melissa a nice ride anyway. The bottom picture is the group who went on our Mustang Club Ride. Of course not everyone rode mustangs but that was OK. We had fun on the horses. From the left Cindy on Dolly, Darlene on Jewel, Laura on Mystic, Andrea on Tonka, Melissa on Soxy, Tyler on Raven and Jim on Pepper. It was his first ever ride. Pepper took care of him just fine. I will try to get more to load tomorrow. I don't know whats up.
Of course I went on the ride too, someone had to take pictures, so I am not in any of them. Dixie was good and did well despite, bikes, hikers, dogs, cross country skiers on wheels and cars..Nothing too much shakes her up much. Unless its going off in a direction no one else is going and then she gets upset. I love my barefoot horse. She just goes and goes. I do need some shims in the front of my saddle though. Her withers are so high.
I came home from the ride and went right to bed after taking care of Dixie. I did not feel so good all day and by the time I got home I was downright miserable. I think it was a reaction to the flue shot. Feel better today but still have the headache and am super tired.