Dixie and I went for a little trail ride by ourselves this afternoon. She did not like going by herself at all. She kept stopping but went when I touched her sides with my heel. Didn't have to kick at all, just touch her. However coming home was a little more challenging. She wanted to hurry but I wanted to walk quietly. The quietly did not happen but we walked. She did not jig, just walked but she didn't want to. She can toss her head pretty good. When I was ready to cross the road to our driveway a car was coming so she had to stand for a minute and she pawed the ground and did the mustang snort but she did what I asked, just did not like it.
I put a different saddle pad on because it was on the top and we were only going to be gone a little while. I put my hand in under the gullet of the saddle to check it for some reason and found that saddle pad will not work. It is a cut back pad and the saddle was sitting on her withers. I felt bad. Her regular pad is thicker and the front six inches are built up. I will have to be really aware of that. She has high withers and has not put all her weight back since her teeth were done.
And I tried to 45 minutes to catch her. Tyler had to help me catch her. She is in a stall tonight. I was really mad at her. She has always been good with me. Not today. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I made a big pot of potato soup for supper tonight. It just felt like it. Its my favorite food I think.