This is our new baby born about 4 this afternoon. Is nameless yet because I don't know if its a he or a she. The white is its tail. Everything else is black. Very cute. Bob also bough a black and white steer calf to put on Candy along with Snickers. I named him Licorice. Now if she just will take him along with Snickers we will all be happy. For some reason the picture of him would not upload to the blog. Oh well.
The kitty babies and mom. Fluffy gets mad when we look in there at them. There is a little white one crawling up Fancy's back.
Our weather was goofy today. Rain hail and sun. Sometimes all in a five minute period. It even thundered this afternoon late. I love rainbows. They remind me of God's love for us.
For those in the mustang club, I got ahold of George today and he will come do the two hour demo on the 26th. I think that's the date of the demo's anyway. His horse was done in 6 weeks I asked him several times and he said he swore it was. And the horse is from South Steens and is 15 hands tall. For all who don't know what I am talking about this guy is up in Colville. He sent me a dvd of his horse. It is utterly amazing the things he did in that amount of time with that horse. He will do the demo at Mustang Days which is the last weekend in June at Busy Bee Equestrian Center. Put it on your calendars.
I hope you all saw that Andrea from Mustang Saga won the April giveaway. I haven't quite got the box ready but will have it ready soon.
Have a blessed Sunday