Maro having his supper and Bob trying to get a little milk in the bottle so he can get some medicine down Marco. It did not work. It had yesterday and this morning but he said no more. I want my new mama. So we got the turkey baster out and got it down him that way. That worked ever so much better. We have about 4 more doses so that is how we will do it.
Worked with Rocky for a while. He is such an awesome pony. Then I got Sage out and let her mow part of the lawn and I reintroduced her to the trailer. She did not get in but looked and sniffed. Bob had hauled a horse home from the vet for a gal and Sage could smell something different.
The weather is supposed to turn really awful tomorrow. If we get the hail they are predicting, we will be putting some of the horses, particularly the ponies in the barn. Will be watching the weather.