One of my favorite judges from Washington State Horsemen passed away night before last of lung cancer. Harlan was a neat person and I enjoyed working with him. He was a heavy smoker and I told him the last time I saw him he better quit. He just laughed at me. We will all miss him.
Started getting Christmas decorations out today. I hope that Christyn comes out to help me decorate. She is so good at it. We are thinking of going to Nikki's at Christmas for a couple of days.
My old friend Ditto stopping at the salt block before she did her little crowhop and trotted off. That is her pink tongue. She gets salt on her food in the evening but guess it wasn't enough today.
My sister told me about making a jello with whole cranberry sauce. I used raspberry jello and a can of the whole cranberry sauce. She puts nuts in hers but I don't care for nuts in things so I didn't. Oh yummy. You all probably know about it but I hadn't. I really like it.
Life gets busy this time of the year. Hope you all are taking it with a deep breath.