The sun was out today and I tried to work outside. Shannon helped me make a chicken waterer that holds quite a bit of water. Bob will be surprised. I fed Jack three times. He is the bucket calf baby. He thinks I am his mother. This evening I put the cow in with Snickers and Joe and they drank her dry. Got all my tomatoes planted. The pepper plants in the ground and some other things I had to plant. I have one whole bed of just different kinds of tomatoes. I can't wait. I love fresh tomatoes. In the space at the end I am going to try lavender one more time. I can kill it better than most.
Sage was a little more receptive today. Little is the key word. At least she didn't try to bite me. Bob got about a third of the round pen done so it won't be long until I can put her in there and work her hiney off. We have the other mare to work too. She is vital to get a handle on. I don't know when I have seen a horse with worse feet. Made me sick.
Bob is late tonight, I am stuffed with cherries, the Mariners are winning and I am really tired. Almost have the bedroom clear. I can't move the rest of it on my own. Only have a month to get it all done.