Still in the midst of our house renovation. The hole in the floor is repaired, just the wall to finish. The next major thing is the spot in the ceiling where it leaked. Then they can finish the painting. I was going to work on it this evening but Bob does not like me to paint. He is a perfectionist about painting but he does not like to do it. LOL. I hung the curtains on 2 of the windows in our bedroom. I am washing the blinds before I hang the curtains.
I got new curtains for the living room too but won't hang them until all the mess is done in the kitchen. Don't want them to get dirty in the first week up.
I did not work with horses today because the wind was blowing so hard and dust. An old fashioned dust storm. Roads were closed out by Moses Lake and Soap Lake in Central Washington. I think that it all blew through here. Sage has been doing pretty well. She doesn't like the rattely jugs. I touched her shoulder with one of them and she levitated 3' straight up in the air. I went oh my goodness. I would not want her to do that with me on her back. Still working on the spooks. Emma is about as stubborn a horse as I have seen. Bob was going to get a rope on her this evening but when you can't keep your eyes open because of the dust that did not happen.
Maybe tomorrow. There is an air show at Fairchild AFB this weekend and the Thunderbirds got here today and come zooming low right over us. I don't know how the horses will respond to the noise. I was going to have a yard sale but I don't have help so its all going to Salvation Army. Just don't have the oomph to do it all along. Bob has to work and traffic won't be coming this way.