I even moved the stool around and she smelled it and let me. She lets me take a hold of her mane when I step up to balance myself better. I rubbed her on both sides of her neck and up and down her back.
This is Liberty eating on one side of the row of trees and.................
Ditto on the other side. They are never far apart. Cameron is coming tomorrow to work with Liberty. She will make him a good horse if he sticks with it. Tyler should have been riding her but was just scared to swing his leg over. He sat sideways in the saddle and waved his arms and she just stood there. He did not know any more about horses than Cameron does.
Mostly worked in the house today. So much to accomplish before Sharon comes. I want everything nice for her. It was more humid today. Contrary to what my sister says about not trusting air they can not see, I hate air that feels like that. Hot hot hot but am not complaining.