This kept me busy this afternoon. I made Thumb Print Cookies and put Hershey Hugs in the center instead of jam. I am going to have to hide them though or Bob will get them eaten. I am trying to practice a large amount of self control. Tomorrow is the zucchini bread. I want to give a couple of loaves of bread and cookies to the old bachelor next door and some to Shannon and Ron. Both will help us anytime we ask. Like yesterday.
Sage had one of those days that I just left her in. The wind was blowing and it was raining and she was going to have a rodeo day and I was not in a mood to do it so she just stayed in. She was mad at me this evening and when I did the chores she would not let me pet her face. I guess that was my punishment for making her stay in.
The cows/calves are still bellowing. It is about to drive me nutty as well as the neighbors. I don't think the cows would make as much noise if the calves would shut up. Particularly the red heifer we bought in Oregon.
The package will get mailed to Tennessee in the morning. Its all ready to go. our mother is buried there and there is a dogwood tree on her grave. I sent a silver blue hummingbird ornament for them to hang in the tree. Its an older cemetery and they let you plant stuff there and put things on the grave. My sister put a statue of St. Francis of Assisi there and some one stole it. That takes real guts to steal something off of a grave. Don't you think?
Enough of my prattling on, blessings.