I turned the old dear loose to pick at the green grass. Her back is sagging so and her knees are getting lumpy but other than that, she is in good health.
We lunged both ways, backed with just the wiggle of the rope, stepped over with her hind legs while keeping the front one still, flexed both ways, picked up her front feet and we worked on the hind feet. She still is not too sure about them. I used a cotton rope to lift them. She needs her feet trimmed.
Instead of trimming feet Bob and Katie worked on the fencing.
The tree in the front yard is getting ready to burst forth. That makes me happy
So that was my day other than we went to the cow auction this morning. Bob goes for entertainment and I wondered why I wanted to go.
My friend Marlene at Stitchin By the Lake blog is doing something and I thought I would do it to. It is going through the alphabet and describing yourself. So here goes -
A is for articulate. I really can express myself well and have done enough speaking here and there that it is easy for me. So Articulate it is for today.
Remember to comment on my blog. The more days you comment the more entries you will have. The prize is a surprise but I promise you will like it.
A happy day tomorrow for you,