I went down and loved on Sage a bit and Ditto too. My girls have a little field all to themselves. I was loving on one and the other came and nuzzled my back and then vice a versa. I did not take my camera.
Today I tried to catch stuff up that I won't be able to do like wrap the Christmas gifts that we are taking to Nikki's when we go at Thanksgiving. All but one and Nikki will wrap it. It would not survive being wrapped up in the dark for a month.
We got some pretty good news today. We are for almost positive going to get the house next door. We haven't signed the papers but probably tomorrow and then the problem of getting the executor or the estate back here to get the place signed over. I thought the bank could do it but not so. Now the process of getting it cleaned out. They took nearly nothing - they meaning his family - and I think his clothes are still in the closet. It will be a job but we would rather do it than wait for the brothers to do it. That might take 5 years.
Getting closer to 1000 Blessings
956. A fun ride in the rain.
957. My sister sharing her heart with me.
958. Reading a happy book when I really don't feel so happy.
959. My new Demand The Brand Tee shirt
960. My first riding lesson in 20 years.
961. Cute little dressed up kids on Halloween.
962. Praying with Young people.
963. Meeting up with an old friend.
964. Hot water
965. Our little ceramic heater
966. Rebock walking shoes
967. Even though its expensive any more, gas for our car.
968. Ribbons for little girls hair
969. A friend to drive to Yakima with
970. Naps on a grey day
971. Penuche frosting
972. Hot spiced cider
973. School pictures
974. Chemo when its a life extender
975. Bob home from Oregon safely
976. Mary's face when her baby horse arrived.
977. Windex
978. Technology so keeping in touch with over sea friends possible
979. Born in the USA
980. A small town bank that knows you by first names.
981. A full moon
982. Reading glasses
983. Being married to a veteran.
984. WSH convention was awesome
985. Knowing that our family is being prayed for.
986. Antebellum homes in the south.