Boy did Ditto and Amelia like being in the barn last night. Ditto came on the run when I called her this evening but I had to go get Amelia. When she remembered where we were going she came as fast as I could walk. I put the old girls out with the rest of the horses for the day. Ditto did fine but Abby was so mean to Amelia and finally Meli just went to her own corner of the pasture and stayed away. I won't do that to her again. Abby was even mean to her when I was trying to lead her out. She followed us kicking at her. I just can't subject that old pony to that kind of treatment.
Henry is still bawling his head off but its not quite as loud. He did quit when he was laying down and he didn't even do that yesterday. He is healing up just fine. More penicillin on Sunday and then he can either go back up to his mother or out to the pasture here.
It is supposed to be 15 degrees tonight. That is COLD. I hope my carrots wont be hurt. Forgot to go pull them until right now. Today I made a stew for dinner and the only thing I bought was the onion. I did not grow them. It was the last of the potatoes though. Did not have many.
Bob is blowing the pipes out of a mobile for a friend of ours. He has put it off and now it must be done. Its an older lady that has been like family to us. When Bob got over there, with the truck running he accidentally locked himself out and his tools were in the cab. I had to go take my key. I wasn't too happy about it but it gives me a big laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!