Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Three days of working Sage hard for at least an hour. She backs at the wagging of my finger, lowers her head on command, I can get two crossover steps on her hind quarters and the plastic bag while not yet her friend, at least is some what tolerated. I could run it down her legs today with out a freaking out incident. Now she gets the next five days off. I don't like that But.......

That is how long I will be gone to Burns, Oregon to the big horse event they have every year at the wild horse corrals. Poor Bob gets to stay home. Well, he could have gone but he had a commitment on Saturday and so home he will stay. Nikki and I will have fun.

We have been working hard on the estate sale for next door. I will be surprised if he is still here. He is failing very fast. I am surprised Hospice is not there 24/7. He is that close. His brother found him on the floor during the night, he tried to get up and could not support himself. It is so sad. We are trying to purchase the place. I wish the bank would get back to us. It would be easier if it were completed while he was living. I so wish he would have come home and recovered, even slowly.

I will keep up with blogging with my laptop. I don't know how to add pictures on it, maybe Nikki can help me.



  1. Lea have a wonderful time at this event - savor each moment. I'm so sorry about your neighbor but at least Bob will be home to check on how he's doing. blessings, marlene

  2. Hi Lea,
    Have a good time at the horse event. You should be able to download pictures the same way as you do to desktop. Use the cord for your camera, plug into USB on laptop and 'connect' to computer should pop up on camera. Click and ask Windows to go to My Pictures on Laptop. Remember to do the 'safely remove' before unplugging camera cord from laptop. Then you can open My Pictures to see your photos. The do the same upload to your blog from there. Hope your daughter can help in case I didn't explain this well for you. Maybe Bob can call the Hospice people and explain how badly someone needs to stay 24/7 with your neighbor and they can get someone out there, especially if he's so close to death?
    Cindy Kingma
